What Is Even AI ?
human intelligence to perform tasks and can alliteratively improve themselves based on the information they collect.
In easy words they are machines or robots that have kind of human brain and they can do things with there limit of intelligence.
Where Is It Used ?
Artificial Intelligence is used in millions of thing that you cant even think of. Most of us know about Elon Musk Self Driving Tesla, most of us thought that it works by sensors till now. The real truth is it is not the sensors it's the AI that is working on it.AI fake human
According to the scientistsprediction that a day would come when you cant even identify a human or a AI robot ,You will not be sure the person that is working for you is human or an AI robot. Even the the army and the military are going to use it in a war and this could lead to world war3
Superb. Very nicely written. Write about some AI websites as well that make out task easier